Dette innlegget skrives både på norsk og engelsk! Since this blogpost will be "travelling across the world, we are adding the text in english as well.
I fjor skulle jeg på en lyntur til London. Tenkte det kanskje var noen fine perlebutikker der, så etter et kjapt googlesøk befant jeg meg i Tower street, nær Covent Garden nærmere bestemt hos Beadworks!
Last year I had the opportunity to take a super quick trip to London. I thought perhaps there might be some good bead stores there, so after a google search I found myself here; at Beadworks near Covent Garden!
I found lots of lovely stuff, but I forgot to write down the article numbers of the ones I got. So I sent an email with some pictures and not to long after, I got a lovely email from Charlotte Rosser, the companies wholesale sales executive. We couldn't find the right beads, so the best thing for me was to send the beads for matching. The postal system never fails - the beads got stolen! Although I didn't have to worry - Charlotte sent my email to the store and the picked some samples for me and luckily they were the ones!
Når jeg nå fant ut at det var muligheter for en ny London tur, så sendte jeg en ny e-post til Charlotte og spurte om jeg fikk lov å ta litt bilder for å kunne skrive litt om butikken. Og hurra for oss- de sa ja! De tillater ikke fotografering i butikken, men de gjorde et unntak for oss og det settes stor pris på!
When I found out that a London trip was on the way, an email to Charlotte was sent - telling her about this blog and asking if I could write a feature and take some pictures. They don't allow picures being taken in the store, but an exception was made for us and we appreciate it so much!
Beadworks har 2 etasjer med perler, krystaller og alt man kan drømme om som smykkelager! Servicen er upåklagelig og jeg kunne brukt timesvis der inne! Fant såklart masse fint denne gangen også og vil understreke at jeg fikk verken forrige gangen eller denne noe rabatter eller fordeler (altså innlegget er skrevet av fri vilje og ikke betalt på noe vis.) Syns det er viktig å understreke.
Beadworks has got 2 floors bursting with beads and all things needed for jewelry making. The service is excellent - I could have spent hours in there! I found lots of lovely things this time as well :)
I want to underline that this feature is written solely based on my experience with the store; I get no deals or discounts.
Beadworks sept 10 2011
The ever so lovely Sam and Kate
I undertasjen finner du komponenter av gull, sølv og andre herligheter. I tillegg er de så greie at om du plukker mer enn 10 av hver perle (kommer litt an på), så anbefaler de turen ned slik at du kan kjøpe de som "whole sale" og dermed til en bedre pris! Jo flere perler, jo billigere per stk. Er du lur, så be om vat refund - en av fordelene med å bo utenfor EU!
In the basement you will find components of silver and gold plus other wonderful things! In addition they are so nice that they advice you to ask about whole sale prices if you buy more than a certain amount -the more you buy, the lower the price per bead. Since we are outside the EU, ask for a vat refund - it's just smarter :)
Det er ikke pes å bestille på nett; har testet det og det fungerte som en drøm. De teipet konvolutten ganske heftig, men det kan være basert på erfaring med det norske postsystemet hehe :)
Webordering is no hassle; my envelope was taped at every inch - that might be based on their experience with the norwegian postal system ;)
Jeg har storkost meg på tur; sett mye fint, spist god mat og handlet til liten og stor. Samtidig var det herlig å komme hjem til goingene mine! Det var jo rene julaften når kofferten ble åpnet!
I had a great time; sightseeing, shopping, good food and good company! At the same time it was wonderful to come home to my lovelies! It was close to christmas eve for small and large when the suitcase was opened!
We hope to make other features here- if you have got ideas, please email us at
Håper å kunne få til andre slags feature artikler her inne - har du tips eller ideer, så er det bare å sende oss en mail på
Ha en flott kommende onsdag!